Caribe Funeral Home Cremation Options
February 27, 2017

The Caribe Funeral Home provides both domestic and global mortuary shipping services to areas of New York such as Marine Park, Canarsie, Bergen Beach, Flatlands, Brownsville, East New York, Spring Creek, Starrett City, New Lots and Highland Park. To all of these communities, the funeral directors of the Caribe Funeral Home offer individualized funeral shipping services that cater to the requirements and desires of each family.

The Caribe Funeral Home handles all airline cargo transportation arrangements for the deceased, be it to another state or to another country. The staff at the Caribe Funeral Home has the expertise and contacts within all consulates and embassies to ensure the fast, safe and respectful transport of a loved one’s body internationally. We oversee all plans in having a loved one brought to or sent from our lovely facilities.

Our services include the transportation from the place of death to our funeral home. We prepare the remains- cleaning, sanitizing, embalming, cosmetizing, dressing, hairstyling and casketing to perfection. We coordinate all airline scheduling. When your loved one is sent to us, we do incoming shipment and get him or her from the airport. We take transfers from other funeral homes. For international documentation and paperwork, we provide accurate translations. We follow all the requirements for passing international customs. We also fill out the necessary consulate forms.

For international shipping needs, we are knowledgeable as to each country’s shipping regulations and we strictly adhere to them. We understand and provide the correct paperwork needed for international shipping. We perform our duties in an efficient manner and work hard to deal with the bureaucracy of foreign nations quickly. We respect varying religions and cultures along with their beliefs on funeral practices and final disposition. We relay information as to travel, time zone and weather conditions to those who require the information. We use all of our resources to save families money while providing them with compassionate and timely service.

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